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Review of Arts Courses at QUT

In October NAAE (National Advocates for Arts Education) became aware that Queensland University of Technology (QUT) announced a pause on enrolments into their Bachelor of Creative Arts: Dance program for 2025 and are conducting a review of the Dance program.

It has now come to their attention that this review will be expanded to include Acting, Drama, and Music. However, QUT has not paused enrolments into these offerings. 

This will have a severe and detrimental impact on the Arts industry in Brisbane / Queensland but also on our classrooms. The future of the Arts for our students is at stake.

NAAE has met with Professor Lori Lockyer, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education, and Social Justice (CIESJ) earlier this week to discuss their concerns about the review of the Dance program and have written to the leadership of QUT again expressing their concern and asking for clarity about the review, the timeline, and how we can participate in making submissions. 

Please see below the letter from NAAE to QUT leadership.

We encourage you to also write and express your concerns, either as an individual or on behalf of your organisation. The email addresses are below. Please feel free to forward any letters to John Nicholas Saunders also as NAAE Chair. NAAE will be raising this with the Minister for Education.

Drama Queensland will be writing a response and we will be looking at other ways to work with and support NAAE to fight for the continued offering of this courses.

We would also encourage you to fill in NAAE’s survey.

This anonymous survey has been created to gauge the full impact of these changes. If you know of a course or major at an Australian university that has been affected between 2018 and 2025, please consider submitting an anonymous response to the survey. The survey can be completed as many times as needed for individual courses.