Epic Theatre Magical Realism Process Drama Secondary

‘Hoods’ – A Process Drama

Created by Sam Neill the following is a series of exercises based aroundAngela Betzien’s play ‘Hoods’. Hoods-A-Process-DramaContinue reading‘Hoods’ – A Process Drama

Assessment Items Lessons Magical Realism Secondary Shape19 Units

SHAPE and REFLECT: Magical Realism and the Brisbane Experience

Presented by Charlene McMenamin and Matthew Ryan at the 2019 DQ State Conference. Designed for Senior Secondary Drama teachers as they shape learning and teaching for Unit  2: Reflect, this…Continue readingSHAPE and REFLECT: Magical Realism and the Brisbane Experience

Lessons Magical Realism Next17 Secondary Units

Up NEXT: Magical Realism

Presented by Naomi Russell (shake & stir) at the 2017 DQ State Conference. Magical Realism – currently a buzz word in the drama world, but what does it actually mean?…Continue readingUp NEXT: Magical Realism